Looking For A Conscious Parenting Expert To Speak At Your Next Event?

I’m Jahanvi Shah.

I believe that it's possible to parent in a way that feels good to you and your child without resorting to yelling, punishments, shame, and the resulting “mom guilt.”

Here at Authentically Parenting, I specialize in helping moms shift their parenting style so they remain calm for their children while establishing firm yet kind boundaries as their kids learn and grow.

As a certified Conscious Parenting Coach, I teach on a variety of important parenting topics for a wide audience of moms around the world. No matter how old their kids are, every mom can and will benefit from Conscious Parenting strategies.

I’m here to empower moms to build strong, connected, lifelong relationships with their families.

Featured On:

PBN Network 5/25/23

PBN Network 5/19/23

PBN Network 5/12/23

The Raven Scott Show 5/10/23

My favorite topics to teach:

  • Learn Proven Scientific Methods to Empower Your Parenting Without Yelling and Punishments

  • How To Set Firm & Kind Boundaries

  • How To Handle Sibling Conflict

  • How To parent Without Punishments, Yelling & Timeouts

  • Overcoming Your Triggers Using Emotional Intelligence

    Discipline Without Damage

Do you have a certain topic in mind? Let’s talk and see what we can work out together!

My Story:

Hello there! I’m Jahanvi Shah, Conscious Parenting Coach, Wife, and Mommy to 2 spirited children.

In my business, I help mothers overwhelmed and frustrated with the behavioral patterns of their children learn how to parent without resorting to yelling, harsh punishments, or feeling immense “mom guilt.” 

Why do I do this? Because of my own parenting journey. 

Like so many others, I thought being a mother would be natural. Easy. A piece of cake. (ha!)

Once my oldest daughter turned 2, the power struggles began. The tantrums, resistance, yelling, fighting, and tears from both of us with everything.

So I handled it all the way I had been raised: with punishments, guilt, scolding, shame, time outs, and even the occasional spanking. I thought that was the way to parent. I thought that’s what I had to do. 

But let me tell you, it did not feel good in my heart. In my soul. In my conscience.

My deep, natural instinct as a mother, as a woman, as a human, was that I could do better. That I needed to do better. That my daughter deserved better. 

So I began my journey to find better. 

That journey led me to Conscious Parenting.
It changed everything.

It felt like a breath of fresh air. It clicked, and I decided "I want to be a mom like this."
Conscious Parenting is something I wish I had known about when I was pregnant with my first child. I wish it had been modeled to me when I was growing up. 

As I learned more and more, my habits and mindset toward parenting started shifting. Through consistent, persistent efforts, I began embodying the teachings and tools of Conscious Parenting. 

And let me tell you, it worked. Like nothing I had ever tried before!

As a true believer in this parenting methodology, I felt called to devote my life to it. So I completed my certification course to become a Conscious Parenting Coach to moms like me, moms who needed a more connected way to raise their children.

Now, using my training and understanding, I understand that my kids need me to guide them to peace by embodying peace myself. Once I overcame my own limited beliefs around parenting, my world shifted. My family dynamics changed. My relationship with my daughter (and now my son) became healthier, happier, and filled with connection and empathy.

With my knowledge, training, certification, and experience, it’s in my power to change the lives of parents and their kids by sharing Conscious Parenting. To shine this light for all to see, guiding us all toward a brighter way of nurturing our precious kids.

My calling is to help moms nurture the close, loving relationship they truly deserve and want.

Let’s help your audience transform their parenting.

I would love to share my knowledge and experience with you and your audience. Click below to submit a request for me to speak at your event. A member of our team will respond within 1-2 business days.